Thursday, 13 January 2011


Main Entry: indecision
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: hesitation
Synonyms: doubt, indecisiveness, irresolution, uncertainty, vacillation
Notes: indecision  describes a general state or condition, one that can characterize a body or group, whereas indecisiveness  describes an individual character trait

So there it is. Finger hovering over the "buy now" button for a shiny new CX frame, and all of a sudden, a feeling of guilt comes creeping over, like the black cloud I'm so depeerate to escape from.

Can I justify it?
Can I ride it?
Will I just look like a complete dick, that clearly has all the gear and no idea?

Afterall, I'm not a cyclist.

I dunno, but I guess there is only one way to find out.

I can justify it.
I know I'll ride it,
I also know that I will look a dick riding it.

However the last quality is the hurdle I'm trying to get over, and slowy, I will.

Its not gonna happen overnight, and god knows If someone would drag me out then I would find it a whole heap easier, but, there is no-one, there is me. Only me.